Gary Vee's message to Dads everywhere
Jun 15, 2023
Just in time for Father's Day...
For all the Dads out there this message is for you!
Gary says, "Listen."
Listen to who your kids are. Enjoy getting curious about who they have the desire to become and help them explore all the possibilities and opportunities around them to help get them there.
We hope you enjoy this short and sweet message and Happy Fathers Day!
Dad in Audience:
What's the most important thing a dad can do to help his kids live a life of purpose and meaning.
Gary Vee:
The number one thing a dad can do is pay attention to who their child is, not impose who they wish they were.
Dad in Audience:
Gary Vee:
I have no interest in my children being entrepreneurs. I have interest in them being who they are and supporting the living out of that while making sure I instil kindness and empathy and gratitude and thematics that I know are very important for all the passion I have of entrepreneurship. The only thing I'm actually passionate about is self-awareness and for people that do what they should be doing, and parents are parenting their children predicated on other parents' opinion or the judgment of other parents, not based on who their kids actually are. Parents would rather have a bumper sticker on the back of their car of a fancy school and an unhappy child than a happy child. It's F'd up,
Dad in Audience:
Absobloodylutely. Thanks brother.