{Ep. 15} Curiosity is the superpower of life

curiosity developing your personal clarity developing your self-awareness discovering me finding myself interiority journey inward who am i who are you really why am i here your journey inward Jul 11, 2022
Get curious about yourself and get curious about how to answer the question of who you really are. Curiosity is your superpower.



In this episode you'll learn .. 

  • Lucy Calangelo hosts a show called Wonder Weekly and talks about curiosity.
  • She talks about the importance of developing self-awareness and having personal clarity to become our best selves.
  • She invites the audience to explore who they really are and get curious about themselves.
  • She mentions "clarity mapping" as a way to get curious about ourselves.
  • Curiosity is a superpower that helps us find conscious direction in life.
  • Knowing who you are and being curious unlocks things for you.
  • Lucy is launching a YouTube channel, a company, a brand, and a product, and believes that staying curious is what got her here.
  • Curiosity helps us unlock our potential and catches glimpses of what the answers might be.
  • The answers are inside us, not externally in the world.
  • Lucy has created Shine On to bring structure and support to the process of personal inquiry.
  • ShineOn™ welcomes people who are curious about themselves and want to explore personal inquiry.
  • Personal inquiry can be scary but can also be super fun.
  • Lucy applauds those who are curious and want to explore themselves.



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In the Activate Now Podcast, Lucy takes you into her world as she getsĀ curiousĀ about what it means to beĀ fully activatedĀ in your life. Every episode is packed with interesting ideas, new strategies, relatable stories, practical guidance and the tools and encouragement you need to activate yourself into aĀ better life.
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